Jamil is the man

I keep reading all these Redditors crying about how Jamil is soft because he won’t just punch Drip in the mouth because of the bullying. Not only is it obvious that Jamil has some integrity about him, the man is literally being paid to do a job. He signed a contract agreeing not to go in and break any laws, which I assume includes fighting. He’s not trying to catch a meaningless charge to make us viewers happy. He’s been standing up for himself ever since he walked through the doors, without invoking violence. He also knows that if he were to swing on Drip, there’ll be 5 more lowlife criminals jumping in to get their licks in on the “pod rat”. I love Jamil’s demeanor. You can tell he has a good head on his shoulders. There’s also something about him that makes me believe he can throw hands if he needs to. Keep it up Jamil.