Should I apply to St Andrews?

I’ve always wanted to apply to HKU but I’ve recently come across St Andrews and fell in love with it.

Pros of St Andrews: - A program I enjoy (MChem Chemistry w/ Maths) - In Scotland (I enjoy Scottish culture) - Overall a stronger Christian atmosphere - More prestigious worldwide

Pros of HKU: - Likely a full ride - Near home - Stronger graduate faculty => much higher QS ranking

If I can afford St Andrews easily, I would definitely go for it. However, my parents would have to sell their property (and by which, use up half of their live savings) to send me abroad. Frankly, I do not want this.

So If I were to attend St Andrews, I would account for at least 70% of my cost of attendance, likely by taking out a loan. Is an education at St Andrews worth a ~£200,000 loan?

Any insights welcome. Thanks!