Hello ADC players! Top laner here.

Your role sucks donkey balls. I empathize, I hate playing ADC even if I'm winning lane and the game. I'm squishy and yeah, I kill people in two hits, but so do they. And if they have a Zed, if he's on my screen and my Zhonya's is down, I'm dead.

I've been lurking on your threads for a while, and I wanted to add something to the discussion.

Why are you all suggesting improvements in items? The whole point of gutting items was so that the champion identity was stronger and they didn't become delivery systems for items. Think about how obnoxious it was to kill a champ with an auto reset with the Mythic Iceborn Gauntlet, or the Prowler's Renekton that just ran at you.

Continuously asking for item changes isn't going to work. I don't think all top laners should be good at killing ADCs or Mages. Items should make what they do better. Miss Fortune's speed, Caitlyn's range, Ashe's slow. I don't think items need to be buffed, I think individual champions need to have their identities buffed. If you lock in a champion that's inherently bad at killing tanks, Jhin's a good example because HP stacking + Randuin's goes brr, then you ought to be punished for it if the enemy locks in four tanks.

Drafting is an important part of the game. Your class and role sucks right now, but I don't think asking for item changes is the fix. If you could buy an item and fix your core weakness because of items, then your draft selection doesn't matter. If I lock in a Mundo against a Gwen, there should be 0 items that help me. If I lock in Malphite against a Sylas.

I think buffing champions selectively, and only their core identity, would make them better. It also avoids the windshitter brothers and Tryndamere using your items better. As you guys are the ADC mains here, and I'm a top laner, I might be missing out on some nuance, so please let me know if I missed something.