Trying to decide what to do about adhd problems and solutions.
Hi Everyone, I find ADHD medication helps a lot, recently tried it again, but it can make me anxious and also worry about serious side effects. If i choose to use my medication on certain days say 3/5 work days a week and take weekend breaks is this considered ok and done by some people?
Just wondering if i could align my medication to the main work days i really need it and take weekends off?
Or, will the downside of not taking every day means the dysfunction comes crashing back leading to a confused state etc? Someone told me all medications stop working eventually, and i will find this also with my ADHD medication. I'm not sure i buy into this as I have never become immune to coffee for instance. Does the medication still works well 5 / 10 years later and is tolerance a big issue?
I'm in between deciding what to do and praying about it.
I also read that omega 3 and exercise can help but its a catch 22 as i can't always seem to get started on regular exercise 🙈
On the one hand, the medicine helps a lot, not just with my focus and feeling more “ok” but slowing down ocd thoughts and helping me be less impulsive and helps in regulating my sleep pattern also which is so helpful! Also as I'm middle aged i worry that i might have a bad cardiac event etc. And so when im on my ADHD medication. I'm really happy in that crickey I feel more normal balanced and can function, but the fear around side effects feels like a black cloud hanging over me. (i can get health anxiety and catastrophise generally as i have a PTSD trauma background) that can increase and set my general fear levels high sometimes. I've done and am still doing a lot of work on this with support groups and counselling.
I feel unsure, so hope it's ok to ask for any feedback and encouragement on these issues.
Much love and Blessings