My husband won’t brush his teeth before bed. His breath has always been horrid but now I’m pregnant and I want to vomit.
I’ve told him this. I asked he try to shower and brush his teeth before bed and said it’s a me thing because I smell so strongly (EDIT: to clarify, I am the one who said it’s a me thing, he didn’t turn it around on me at all. I just tried to play it down and not attack him)… he didn’t do it last night and this morning was so bad. He yawned and I giggled and said his breath stunk.
I’m trying to be gentle here…. Should I text him direct tonight, or leave a note on his sink?
He works evenings so I’m asleep when he gets home, fyi.
Posting here because myself and others believe he is undiagnosed ADHD. Most of Reddit would bash him for poor hygiene but I really think this is an ADHD related thing.
EDIT: wow thank you guys who responded! I merged a lot of great advice together. For tonight, I left him a note saying, “come get warm with me! <3. P.s. please brush your teeth”. And I got his pills out in a cup for him (he HATES taking his pills at night and I used to do this but stopped bc… life).
I am also going to buy mouthwash my next trip to the store. He used to be better about using mouthwash and we ran out like 2 years ago and I never bought more lol.
EDIT 2: wow woke up to lots more comments. Can’t respond to each one but I’m reading them for ideas- thank you!