AITA for "overreacting" to my psychiatrist questions?
(im sorry if you see mistakes in here, english is not my first language)
Being honest this happened a few years back but I still think about it at night sometimes so I just had to get it off my chest, it happened when I was freshly 18m (im 21m now) like my-bday-was-2-weeks-ago 18, I had scheduled a meeting with a psychiatrist cause I had a medical procedure soon and I needed a psychiatrist note that said I was mentally fit for it, it was early morning, in one of those days when we got to sleep in, so I was the only one awake in my family (dad and sister whom I was living with at that time), I went to the yard to take the call (it was a zoom call cause pandemic) cause I didn't want one of them to listen if they woke up, everything was normal at first, normal questions of who I was, what I liked to do, he was old, like someone's granpa old, but I didn't mind that, but after what coulndt be more than a few minutes his questions started to get a little weird, he started asking me if I had a gf/bf, I said I didn't then he said "why not, you are so cute" I laughed and I said I didn't know, then he started asking me if I pleasured myself at night, that was weird, so I told him I wasn't comfortable answering that question, he said it was standure procedure so I had to answer otherwise he couldn't go to the next question, I again said I wasn't comfortable (I was very clear with it, didn't hesitate, "im not comfortable with that question, I won't answer it, please go to the next one"), he insisted it was necessary for so long that I finally caved and answered that yes I did do that, then he started asking how I did it, that was even weirder so I put my foot down and said I was done, if he didn't stop with the questions I was going to end the call, he got defensive, saying he was just asking what needed to be asked, he insisted "how you do it?" "show how you do it to me" he started saying I needed to show him, mind you, at this point I was scared, I needed that mental health confirmation for my doctor and in my country it is so hard to get a psychiatris meeting so I coulndt just hang up, it took months for me to even get that call, so I keep in repeating I wasn't comfortable and he keep saying I had to "show him" now, I'm not really sure what he meant for show me I don't know if he wanted me to pull my pants down or just show him the movement with my hand, either way I told him I was done, im ending this call, he said he couldn't belive how sensitive I was and asked me if there was an adult there he could speak too, I admitted that is where I fucked up, I was 18, I was legally an adult and I should have put my foot down and said that, but I didn't, instead I went and woke up my dad so he could talk to him, I lend my tablet to my sleep deprived dad, almost criying from embarrassment and bc I felt so dirty, my dad took the call and the doctor started saying how I was manipulating everyone, how I was overreacting, how I tought I knew more than him on his career and how he never met someone so "crazy" (not exact words, again, this was years ago and I was at that point just so tired and scared I deleted most of these things from my memory), my dad, bless his heart, his sleep deprived heart, got on the side of the doctor and started berating me bc i couldnt know more than my doctor (i was an angsty teenager who was really into #eattherich and #endcoorporations so i dont really blame him for thinking that there was a possibility i was in the wrong or thinking more of myself) so that really broke the camels back and told him i wouldn't talk more with the doctor and just to hang up, he did, i explained what really happened and he belived me and said he was really sorry (i forgave him), but now my question is, was I really in the wrong??? are this stature procedures psychiatrist have to make? did i overreact?
(edit to fix some spelling mistakes)