How would you rate the ending rewrites you’ve read?

Of all the ending rewrites you’ve read how would you rank them from your most favorite to least. I don’t hate any alternative endings but each has parts I really love but also parts I wasn’t a huge fan of. Mine would be:

  1. AoT no Requiem - I really appreciate its simplicity compared to other rewrites. The custom art also really benefits it. It is the original theory for many of us actually drawn, so of course it has a legendary status. If I had one complaint though, I would say the dialogue is awkward and cheesy at points.

  2. AoT Splinters - Editing is godtier. I really like how it rewrote the alliance formation and interactions. Felt way more natural and realistic. One criticism I have is that I felt it backtracked and rethreaded a little too much, but this isn’t as big of a problem later on into the story as it diverges more from the original.

  3. Uniquenameosaurus’ Rewrite - Although it’s my least favorite from the list I still enjoyed it overall. It had my favorite character conflicts, and the twist with Ymir’s 100% world rumbling was very interesting. It’s just the lowest since some of his ideas and plot points are too wild for me, like wilder for even AoT standards imo.