I'd rather die young tbh

This is just a rant, but I seriously don't understand how people can put up with decades of this shit. I don't think there's anything in life that I want to stick around for. I don't have any career goals (not realistic ones that is. Everybody has fantasies about having a cool job and whatnot). No children or partner to sink my life's meaning into. I just don't know what I'm going to do with myself for the next several decades (other than survive, but survival isn't living or all that worth it sometimes)

I hear a lot of people say "You live for the things you love!" I would willingly give up all of my hobbies just to not have to deal with this shit.

And apparently it gets worse?? As in your body starts failing you and there aren't any cures to mental health conditions, so I'm going to deal with them for the rest of my life. I'm already so tired and I don't know how much longer I can put up with it. The thought of this being my future is so disheartening. It sounds exhausting and miserable. I straight up don't want to do it.

Edit: I didn't expect this post to get any attention. It is a rant post after all. Most of the comments trying to help, thank you for you kindness. I still feel upset like I did last night, but I managed to get out of bed and eat something this morning. That's about as high as I'm going to set my expectations for today to avoid disappointing myself.