Do I take him back?

It’s been a long day so if this doesn’t make sense then I apologise:) Okay, so to cut a long story short:

3 days before Christmas I heard him talking to a girl on the phone through our baby cam (I was at my mums and baby was at his mums, he was on a night out). He lied and gaslit but I found out the truth.

After this something was nagging at me and I checked his phone and he had multiple texts to different girls before, during and after I got pregnant and had our son. One is these was to an escort service, this which he claimed he was ‘taking the piss’.

So after all of that, (today) I find out that he actually physically cheated on me. What’s fucking me up is the only reason is because I had a smear test booked and because of the messages I figured I should maybe get tested just in case. He gave me chlamydia.

It’s been blow after blow and I don’t know which way is up, I’m devastated