Are there any other online message boards like Reddit that aren’t so biased?
Every time I ask a question half of the replies are just people criticizing me and not answering the question I’m asking.
Idk how to categorize people’s personality types other than generalizing stereotypes to show an example. Like between left leaning, car hating, vegan, LGBTQ people and right leaning, trump supporter, lifted truck driving, rednecks: I feel like I’m right in the middle. Reddit seems to be biased more towards the former.
I want to get answers from people that are more like me.
For example: If I ask 100 people on reddit and 100 people in my town to name a cool car they would like to drive, on Reddit I’d get answers like a Mazda crossover or Volvo station wagon, but in my town I’d get Corvettes, Challengers, trucks, etc.
It seems like the people I want to ask advice from aren’t on Reddit. (or I have to find a super niche subreddit, idk how to find them they always have weird names or aren’t active)
So are there any online message board like things that aren’t as biased?