Is going outside in your bad days actually helping you?

Hi guys. Hope you doing well. Most people would advise that it is good to go outside even when you feel bad or feel the panic coming. Constant exposure is vital for recovery etc, I know. Or at least that is what everyone would say. So today was one of my worse days. I was feeling bad in general, physically and mentally. Last night I could not sleep well and I believe that trigger my panic disorder even more. I was feeling some internal tremors (like my body is vibrating from the inside) and that is a sign that my nervous system is not really in a good shape and a panic attack is coming. I was tired and feeling weak. Anyway, I thought "what the hell, a little walk is good for you, especially in this sunny day" and literally forced myself to go out. So I went for a short walk to one of the local shops. And guess what, I had a really strong panic attack infront of the shop (I felt it coming all the way). Don't think I've had such a panic attack in at least a month. Experienced the usual symptoms, but this time very strong - increased heart rate, blurry vision, nausea, shortness of breath, muscles went numb, jelly legs, felt like I can barely stand and going to pass out any moment, people around me started to look strange, felt heat waves all trough my body, had to remove my jacket and hat as it felt like I was burning from the inside. On the way back I started to feel a bit better, the panic attack wasn't entirely gone, but was more bearable. It eventually passed like 20-30 mins after I got home but left me extremely tired and discouraged too (as I mentioned I was feeling tired even before, so you can imagine). Everyone with a history of panic attacks have felt this. I have experienced this before and I know that I am not dying but that doesn't help even a little bit. It is still a very scary feeling after all those years. So I am wondering, how is it with you guys, is going outside when you feel really bad and panicky really helping you? Can you find anything good about going outside and experiencing a severe panic attack? I would avoid it if I staid home. Maybe I would still feel bad but a panic attack wouldn't be likely. I am trying to find any positives about what I experienced a few hours ago but I really can't, I don't want to feel this. People would say "you see that you are not dying so it's all fine, next time it will be better". No, this is now how it works in my case. Next time there's still a chance I experience this and it is still terrifying. Thanks for reading!