Upstairs Renters in unit I am renting are extremely loud [CA]
I've rented my fair share of basements on AirBnB so I know that some noise is expected but this unit I am renting is outrageous. Throughout the day they constantly drag furniture, stomp on thr floor and you can hear them speaking loudly. It's currently 10:50 PM and I can hear them blasting a movie, dragging furniture, stomping and shouting. I can't sleep and I have work in the morning, not to mention I work remotely and have plenty of meetings.
I want to complain to the host but I worry that when he says something to them that the renters are going to be retaliatory towards me. Can I ask my host to refund me the rest of my stay so I can leave tomorrow? I don't want to deal with the people upstairs or get involved with trying to get them to quiet down.
This is literally the first time I've had to deal with something like this. It seems people just aren't respectful at all.