From believing to not

This has had a big impact on me and certainly wasn't an overnight transition. I've been obsessed with the Nazca Buddies since September when they were presented at the Mexico UAP hearing. I'm pretty sure I was in the sub when it was in the hundreds. I've had the opportunity to see higher quality imaging and personally can no longer support the living hypothesis for the Josefina and Suyay type bodies. Accepting these as once living beings had a big impact on me, and accepting the opposite had the same sized impact. That sucked at first, but I'm coming around now and see it more positively.

Everyone is on their own journey, and all I can do is share my thoughts. I've felt like I couldn't speak here for over a month now, honestly haven't known what to say. Also needed time to accept it myself, like I said, it wasn't an overnight thing for me. I don't have all the answers, and I'm not the decider of truth. By age, I'm not a child anymore, but meme humor keeps a smile on my face. Being tone-deaf is somewhat of a personality trait. I apologize to those who took offense to the joking nature I put in posts. Using memes to break my own personal tensions probably has a better time.

Originally, this topic got banned from all other subs, and Memystic created the only place anyone with interest could actually have a conversation. Along with many of you, I was loud in the space we had. I 100% believed Josefina etc. to have been living and walking bodies from 1000 years ago. Bodies that made no sense to evolution, but there they were. Real freaking proof and nobody in science or even UFOs was talking about them. Feeling this was unacceptable for the largest discovery in history, I started collecting links and posting them as comments in every thread. Another user made those links the sub's first wiki. After that, I started organizing and expanding the wiki with every examination video or article I could find. Eventually, Memystic started putting some polish on it.

I've had the opportunity to see higher quality imaging on multiple of the small bodies. I went into that thinking I was going to see world-changing evidence. Instead, I ended up changing my deeply held beliefs. I've been trying to find the truth to my personal satisfaction level with this case for almost a year. In many ways, I have done that now, but it was not the truth I expected. Even with that, there are many remaining questions. I don't claim to know everything or say that I can explain everything. I've just seen enough that I personally no longer support a living hypothesis.

I'll continue to expand on these thoughts and try to show what has changed my mind in future posts. Thank you for reading and being a part of this community.

Recently I reached out to a skeptical reddit user that I had been a jerk to in the early days. They asked me what changed my mind and I couldn't give just one specific answer. It's a big thing and I don't think you can absorb it all at once. Everyone please be patient with each other. Listen nicely, and if you can't listen nicely just take a break and don't talk yet. At least that is helping me.