curious question.. how did y’all first discover Alone?
I’m definitely curious to know how all of you guys first discovered Alone, guess I’ll go first haha
for me it was actually in 2015 right after the premiere season had aired, I was only 9 at the time and believe i was coloring or something along those lines. My stepdad randomly turned on the tv and scrolled through prime, A few minutes later when pausing at Alone that cover page we all know with the wolf captured his eyes and he began reading the show’s description. Finding interest in the whole survival aspect of it plus considering we usually did things together as a family, he then invited me and my mom to give it a shot. Being a typical 9 year old city girl I kinda hesitated a bit to watch it since I assumed things related to “survival” would bore me. Nevertheless I decided to go watch it anyways with them. An upward spiral of admiration and captivation sparked in me from then on and Alone has remained my all time favorite show ever sense😁
idek if anyone’s even read this far.. but if you have let me know your own Alone discovery story!🐻