The term was broken, but now chaos begins

Basically after Jackson died, Biden became president as there was no vp yet and he was sec of state. He takes over a terrible economy, massive loss to Indians, and now a civil war. He dies before it can truly begin and is succeeded very controversially by Justice John Marshall, who immediately gives up most of the great lakes state minus Ohio to him for peace, which sparks a massive fucking slave uprising in the south (70% of slaves are freed and take up arms), a socalist before there was socialism rebellion in new England, a western coalition of louisiana territories and Tennesee, and Clayton-Lowe who successfully invaded canada, killing all 150 canadian troops with only 8 loses, took all of Maine, New Hampshire, and Upstate New York, attacked NYC with his navy, and now had to officaly take all of Vermont with Montpellier. He's described as a madman, and son of a madman (other montgomery), as he is now to have one goal; total dictatorship.

Basically after Jackson died, Biden became president as there was no vp yet and he was sec of state. He takes over a terrible economy, massive loss to Indians, and now a civil war. He dies before it can truly begin and is succeeded very controversially by Justice John Marshall, who immediately gives up most of the great lakes state minus Ohio to him for peace, which sparks a massive fucking slave uprising in the south (70% of slaves are freed and take up arms), a socalist before there was socialism rebellion in new England, a western coalition of louisiana territories and Tennesee, and Clayton-Lowe who successfully invaded canada, killing all 150 canadian troops with only 8 loses, took all of Maine, New Hampshire, and Upstate New York, attacked NYC with his navy, and now had to officaly take all of Vermont with Montpellier. He's described as a madman, and son of a madman (other montgomery), as he is now to have one goal; total dictatorship.