AIO Guy (26m) I’ve been dating said something that has left me (25f) feeling uncomfortable

I’ve been seeing this guy since after Thanksgiving, officially started dating on New Year’s. I’ve been single the last few years and it’s my first actual committed relationship and I really enjoy spending time with him! I work out of town Monday-Friday so on the weekends I’ve been seeing him and recently have been letting him stay over with me.

I work almost three hours away so on Sunday’s I go to bed relatively early to get up around three in the morning to drive into work, and he is aware of this. This last time he spent the night with me, he mentioned he wanted to do something other than coming over and going to sleep, like we do every Sunday, and I agreed because I felt bad. We went out to eat and it was nice but I didn’t end up getting into bed until around 9:30/10 which is super late for me. I got into bed and he was trying to initiate something to happen and I told him no and he kept on trying. Finally I firmly said no and he said “But you’re my girlfriend!”. I immediately told him it wasn’t my problem and went to bed without saying a word.

He has since apologized over the phone and I thought I would be over it but I am not. It made me uncomfortable and grossed me out. I messaged him this past Friday to let him know I needed this weekend to myself because I am still not over the comment. Now I’m not sure where I stand, I really enjoyed hanging out with him but that was a really disgusting comment that has stuck around with me. Am I overreacting?