AITA for not choosing my parents as godparents for my newborn daughter because they didn't support my choice of legally adopting my step children before?

I (27F) have been married to my husband (36M) for 2 years and we have been together for a total of 5 years. My husband has 2 daughters from his previous marriage and 3 months ago I gave birth to our first child together. When my husband and I first got together, his daughters were very young and I have been pretty much fully involved in their upbringing ever since we got together. Their mother isn't around so they pretty much view me as their mom and I absolutely view them as my own. We have always been a happy family together from the start.

My parents on the other hand weren't as supportive of my close relationship with my daughters. They always told me that it isn't my job "to play mommy" to children that aren't biologically mine. This definitely created a wedge between us because no matter how many times I told them how important they are to my life, they still refused to accept that which I guess they have a right to. My in-laws on the other hand have been supportive of my close relationships with my daughters since day one and they truly make me feel part of the family regardless of whether the children are mine biologically. About a year after my husband and I got married, I brought up the idea of me legally adopting our daughters so that in the extreme case of something happening to my husband, I would be able to continue taking care of them without having to go through legal troubles. And again my parents were extremely against that idea regardless of my husband and I being married and me pretty much being involved in the girls their entire life.

3 months ago my husband and I had our first daughter together and it in our town it's a tradition to choose godparents for a newborn even though we aren't really religious. My husband and I both agreed that it would be best for his parents to become our daughter's godparents since they have been supportive of our family since the start. When my parents found out we weren't choosing them as godparents, they got upset with us because they felt like they should have been the godparents to their first grandchild. But since they never were supportive of our family I didn't feel like they deserved to demand anything like this.