AITA for “overgifting”?

I (30F) just spent my 2nd Christmas with my partner (29M) and his family.

Context: I was raised in a family that did Christmas big. And still does even though we’re all adults and there aren’t even any grandkids yet. I’ve always loved getting people presents for birthdays, Christmases, showers, etc. and I always try to be intentional with what I’m getting as well.

Ex: for anyone in my life who gets married I typically get them something off their registry and create an “oh-shit kit” for the day of their wedding with a tackle box full of supplies for anything that can go wrong.

For baby showers of cousins I’ve done outfits (I always aim for 6-12 months because I know a lot of people do newborn stuff they don’t get a chance to use) but then I’ll do stuff like wipes and diapers and whatever (also based on registry).

I’ve gotten my younger cousins and siblings presents separate from my parents since I was 14 and had my first job. And even when I couldn’t do much I tried to always do what I could and treat everyone equally.

I’m also good at setting a relative budget for presents but then I try to get stuff on sale so I can get more stuff for the same amount of money.

Story: On my partner’s side we have 4 niblings. We spent $50 on each kiddo. We did a book, a toy off their list and an outfit for each kiddo. We got his parents 2 gifts each. For the siblings we do a gift exchange. One of his sisters is pregnant with her second but she’s not having a sprinkle, so we brought a baby gift with 4-5 outfits, diapers, and two toys.

There were a few comments made during gifts (by one sister and his mom). The first was when they saw the kids had multiple packages. Another when his dad had a 2nd package from us. And a third when that sister and mom had each given the new baby an outfit and then they opened the box we put together. The comments were things like “wait they already opened a present from OP and Partner” and then the baby comment was “well looks like we got upstaged.”

My partner thinks this means we need to dial it back moving forward. I feel conflicted. I think it would be one thing if the person receiving the gift had an issue with what we were giving, but it’s other people who are also giving presents. We kept things in a budget (and I don’t think it’s a class thing because his siblings and their spouses are mostly high earners. I’m probably near the bottom in that realm).

I don’t want to upset anyone or cause drama, but I also don’t think I should have to change how I gift and express love just because other gifters (and not the receivers) are upset about it.

The only time this has come up before was when my mom saw what I did on my own for my cousin’s baby shower and said it was a lot (but also she doesn’t like this cousin and didn’t get her anything).

Why I might be the asshole: If I’m overgifting and making people uncomfortable.