AITA for getting mad about my father not letting me cook/bake?
For context, I am 13 (female, not like that changes anything but whatever) turning 14 and I know how to bake cornbread and cookies, cook eggs and grilled and mac n cheese, work the oven, and I make my own breakfasts, lunches, and dinners most of the time without parental supervision (my dad is usually outside smoking or drinking so that's why he never USUALLY bugs me about it).
I was getting ready to bake some peanut butter cookies as a surprise for my mom (my mom allows me to use to oven and stove and all that) and halfway through (I had already cracked the eggs and scooped up all the peanut butter) and my dad sees the preheated oven and turns it back to zero, saying "what are you doing?"
I told him that it was a surprise for mom and I had preheated the oven to bake cookies for her. It's a very easy recipe, too, and I had already baked cornbread and other stuff.
My father says that I am too young to cook or bake by myself and that I am no long able to do it without him watching and passing me the ingredients.
I had to put the peanut butter back and the eggs in a plastic bag in the fridge. I told him that he is much too overprotective and needs to stop.
Most of my classmates and friends have been cooking and baking without their parents since they were 9/10 and being babied like this is not only ridiculous but also stupid.
I have had experience with my mom around hot ovens and using correct measurements since I was 10/11 years old and I feel this is a oc.pletelu normal age to be baking/cooking by myself.
AITA for getting mad at my dad?