AITA my mom got dumped because I didn’t want her new boyfriend sleeping in our house overnight

So my (24f) mom is living with me since she got divorced a decade ago and has been struggling to manage things on her own since then. She lost her job in the summer and originally was looking a bunch for jobs but now isn’t really doing that. But she met someone working for my apartment recently and they were talking a little bit for a few months. Now this talking was literally just seeing each other outside and chatting for a minute before going about their way.

Well she had him over for the first time on Christmas Eve 2024. We were find with that but requested he please not stay overnight since he’s a stranger to us. She refused to kick him out and he stayed in our apartment the whole night. After that I tried to discuss with her some boundaries which I thought were reasonable. The only boundary I had was for him not to stay overnight until me and my sister got to know him better. She was mad at us for that and frequently argued with us and tried to plead with us but respected it.

But one night it was weird because she went to bed at 10pm then at 11 comes to get us saying he texted her wanting to come over and would we let him. We gently stated our boundary again and she said that she’d already told him he could stay overnight. That hurt me a little but she ended up telling him to go back home. She was pissed though since he lives a few hours away and only comes to the apartment to work. But he could come over a couple nights a week and they’d sleep together then he’d leave before it got too late.

And some of why me and my sister requested this boundary is because our dad was notorious for having random people over when we’d come for visitation as teenagers and not warning us beforehand.

And it’s also weird because not once have they gone on a traditional date. They never go place together and my mom has no interest in it. It’s only sex in her room a couple nights a week. And she’s also been drinking a lot more since meeting him which concerns me because she’s already jobless.

Final part of the story is that she says he just broke up with her because me and my sister wouldn’t let him stay overnight. I tried to tell my mom we didn’t mean never and just wanted to get to know him before a stranger sleeps in our apartment. I also think it’s weird that he would rather not be with her than wait a little bit to sleep with her overnight. And keep in mind that they were seeing each other multiple times per week, just not overnight. My mom is pissed at me and begging me to let him stay overnight so she can get him back and giving me the whole spiel about how she has always taken care of us and this is how we repay her. Saying don’t you care about my mental health and that he’s the only thing that makes her happy.

This has been weighing on me for weeks so I really need to know— AITA for upholding my boundary?

ETA: adding a new section for where the guy lives to make it more clear since I shouldn’t have buried it in long paragraphs. I don’t want to reveal too much but he lives 3 hours away and his job involved traveling so he’s down where we are on weekdays and doesn’t have a permanent place up here.

ETA again: sorry guys I typed this all up in an emotional rush and probably didn’t explain myself the best. Yeah of course we lived with my mom when I was 14 until college when I started paying most of the rent cause my mom was struggling. But me and my sister moved for a work opportunity a few years ago and our mom came with us since she didn’t have much at our old place and couldn’t pay rent alone so that’s why we live together now. When the divorce happened we lost the house and have been living in apartments and people’s basements since.