Taking Celexa/Citalopram to help with Social Anxiety, Panic Attacks, etc.

Hi all, just a brief story about me, I'm 33 years old. Currently been struggling with Social Anxiety, Bipolar II with Mania and Depression, Panic Disorder, PTSD, etc. I have separation anxiety and agoraphobia as well. "afraid of leaving the house, etc" So far I tried taking Celexa/Citalopram in the past. It didn't work out at first, Primary wanted to start me on 20mg. Had a bad reaction to it due to high energy levels from Mood Disorder, etc. I took a break from it for awhile. I tried job hunting, Tried getting help from the government, etc. So far so good no government worker wants to help me, they always find excuses to blame my mental health, "go figure" I live in a small town and we barely have enough jobs at it is. Etc. I have a disability as well so you know how this works. People sometimes wont hire you if you have a Disability, etc.

Anyways back to the point, I am trying to change my life, I heard good things about Celexa/Citalopram, so I gave it a go again. The job vendor thing/job coach stuff didn't work out again. So I said had enough of this and wanted to try the meds again. I tried every SSRI nothing worked. So I decided to try Citalopram again and Dr got me on lowest dosage, 10mg. I've been using the MyTherapy app to keep track of my meds. "Highly Reccomend it" He's got me paired up with Depekote for my Mood Disorder, etc. So far so good, Its been like 2 weeks since I've been on it, got through the worst hellish part of it with the side effects etc. You know how those go. I almost gave up on it. But wanted to continue taking it to see if it'll fully work.

I'm not sure how I am feeling right now. I noticed that I am usually negative majority of the time, but when I am on it now It's going on week 3, I noticed that I've been less negative, etc. More calm than usual, etc. The only thing I don't like about it is the vivid dreams, so I'm gonna ask my Dr about that. I did have intense migraines for the past 2 days but those finally went away. Wasn't so sure if that was a side effect of the meds or not. You never know I guess.

So right now I am feeling a bit more positive, more relaxed, etc. I can't really tell if its really working to be honest. To be fair, I feel like my mind isn't spiraling all over the place if that makes sense. I am asking my Dr if I should give it another month to see its full effects. Because he wanted to dose it up to 20mg. I told him no, I said I think it's too early, if that makes sense and wanted the med's to get used to my body before I notice a change before making any necessary changes. Hope that all makes sense. Anyways I hope everyone is doing well. If anyone is on the same med's let me know and see how it changed your life or if it helped you in anyway, like getting a job or talking to more people, etc. Because I OCD and get allot of paranoia and worry allot and overthink.

And I just want to feel normal again is all, and read this medicine got a high rating too for anxiety treatment. So far its helping my depression a ton too. I felt like playing Skyrim and other games. lol. And finally got some sleep and felt rested. Minus weird dreams. Lmao. Not sure if the vivid dreams are a side effect or not. Anyways I hope everyone had a Happy Holiday, and have a happy new years too! :D I also plan to get some exercise done when the effects go away, so wish me luck. I'll come back with some updates when I can. :) Hopefully I can talk to people more. Yall take care. :3