How to deal with heart anxiety while sick?

/ tw heart anxiety

I have had health anxiety around my heart for awhile now but had finally stopped thinking / worry about it because my heart rate went back down as I worked at my anxiety and came to realise it was caused from making my own cycle of stress.

But here I am panicking again because my heart rate is 100+ bpm.. I am pretty sure I have to flu right now and that’s caused this, I am using all my will to tell myself this is normal during sickness and nothing is wrong, but I also have costocondritis (pain/inflammation of the chest) that has decided to come back with this flu. So feelings of chest pain, with heart palpitations is sending me spiralling and the thought of something seriously bad happening won’t stop.

I know increased heart rate is part of the body fighting the flu, I know costocondritis can be triggered from the flu, I’m struggling to know how to deal with this. My heart anxiety stopped because I was able to get my stress under control and fix the palpitations in the first place- but because this is caused by the flu it’s out of my control to stop…

I had a fever all day that went up to 38.5c (101f) but it finally broke, and the heart palpitations started AFTER that not during for some reason? But now I’m wondering if it was happening then too and I just didn’t realise cause the fever was more my focus.

I’m just in a weird place where I’m able to logically say I know I’m ok, but the emotional side of me is still taking over and I just don’t know how to deal with this..