Can’t stop being anxious and obsseced about my sleep.
About a year ago I had a really bad night and couldn’t find a reason why. Starting then I started to have insomnia because i was anxious about how i’d sleep tonight. Developped a fear of missing out on sleep because of that.
Fast forward a couple of months later, my sleep gets back to normal but then randomly I start thinking about the process of sleep and then I developped mild somniphobia (fear of sleep) because I didn’t want to go uncounscious for a certain period of time.
Now, 2 days ago I thought I’ve had an episode of Sleep paralysis but turns out it was not SP. Now idk why but I can’t stop thinking, what If I one day I have an episode of sleep paralysis and on top of that I feel my chest being really tight, not comfortable and I want to throw up because of my stupid thoughts. and on top of that I am scared that because I think about it it will be happening sometimes soon.
Ahhhh i’m so freakin tired of being anxious for nothing, of obscessing over real dumb things. ugh.
I’m trying to breath in and breath out but i’m still feeling thight and i can’t concentrate on something other than that.
Idk, just wanted to get this off my chest.
btw, sorry for the grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.