Upstairs neighbor loud pacing in the middle of the night

I've lived in my unit for 3 years now and until 4 months ago, I've never heard anything from the upstairs unit aside from the rare furniture moving or dropping something. But at the start of this year, a new tenant moved in who is very heavy-footed and paces back and forth for hours in the middle of the night, every night. I've lived in apartments for 10 years and noise is just part of it, but I've honestly never heard footsteps this loud. It's weird too because this is a newish building and until 4 months ago I was impressed by how good the soundproofing was.

In a typical night, I'd say they pace for like 2-5 hours anywhere from 11pm-7am. I also hear them walking around a lot during the day, but I don't care about that.

I'm a heavy sleeper but it's loud enough to wake me up often. I've tried different ways to block it out. I have tinnitus so I slept with white noise on already, but that does nothing to mask the stomps. I purchased some headphones that are flat and made for sleeping and played some music through those, but the stomps are such a deep bass sound that the music doesn't mask it at all. Only thing that works to block it out is those foam earplugs, but having dead silence makes my tinnitus really bad so I only do that when I'm absolutely desperate.

I'm not sure what to do. I feel like I can't really tell someone "hey can you stop walking so much in your own home?" It's not like they're blasting music or anything. I assume they have insomnia or something and pacing helps, and they just happen to walk like an elephant. But also I can't keep living here like this. I love this place otherwise but I'm considering trying to break my lease early because my sleep is suffering so much.

How would you handle this? A note on their door asking them to try and keep it down past 11? Reach out to management? Accept the L and move?