I can imagine sounds but very rarely imagine images
When someone tells me to imagine a ocean I do not see an ocean I hear the waves and the birds.
When someone tells me to imagine and apple I hear the crunch of a bite being taken out of one
I’ve always had a way more vivid auditory imagination
An annoying noise would happen then it would keep repeating in my head to spite me lol
Sometimes I can recall songs and hear them
i could play back parts of songs in my head
I think the fact that I can imagine/recall some sounds makes it so I cannot sleep with silence or my brain makes up sounds to fill the void and it is very annoying
When I was a kid I was always confused when I was told to imagine things in my head to the point it would frustrate me that I couldn’t see what I wanted to see
But I’d have a sound related to that image in my head
Whenever I tell people they seem to think I have to be able to see in my head since I’m an artist but that is simply not true I cannot see in my head
People think all artists have a super vivid image of things in their heads but when I close my eyes all I see is dark red or black and dots
My mom basically didn’t believe me, basically saying “artists can see in their heads, you have to you’re creative”