Where should I ED to?

International student. Not going to do RD. Will only go to America for graduate school if no offer from early round.

For this reason I want to apply to a school that is need blind for international students other than HYPSM with max chances of getting in. I'm currently considering Dartmouth, Williams and Notre Dame.

Among the 3 and other schools at a similar difficulty of getting in, which school should I give a shot? Any advice and insights welcome. Thanks a lot!

SAT: 1550
Self-studied A-Levels: 5A* in Maths, Further Maths, Phy, Chem, Bio
(I think it's comparable to APs in Precalc, AB, BC, Stats, Phy 1+2+C(Mech), Chem, Bio, and post-APs in linalg, org chem)
APs: Will consider self-studying Physics C(EM)
HS Ranking: Top 25% for grade 10 (due to disproportionate effort on SAT and AL, will work on this in grade 11)
In HK grade 9 is not considered high school

HK PolyU Junior Research mentoring program: Building a fuel-cell powered toy vehicle
HK Chemistry Olympiad: Finalist, i.e. top 10 in Hong Kong, rankings not out yet
HK Physics Olympiad: Best new school participation award
HK Maths Olympiad: First Class Honours
150 Hours of Community Service, Some at local charity, Some from tutoring underprivileged children at a McDonalds
Founder of a YouTube channel teaching Maths and Chemistry
(Not really ECs, but I read college texts like Solomon's Organic Chemistry, Atkins' Physical Chemistry, Stewart Calculus and I really enjoy them)

Haven't written them yet, still in junior year

Frankly my teachers don't really like me because I always forget school assignments and is late to school. Got a U grade in an assignment-graded English "class" that carries no weighting on the overall English grade for this reason. Also a C in conduct. Again, disproportionate efforts spent on SAT and AL. Working on this.

Well my family is in lower middle class for local standards, but very much broke in US standards. Will focus on need-blind schools. Expected contribution $20 p.a.