Center piece fish for a 55 gallon community tank?

I love the fish in my tank but I feel like they all sorta just blend together. I want a colourful centerpiece fish for it. The fish in the tank right now are 5 zebra danios, 7 neon tetras, 5 male guppies, 5 pepper Cory catfish, 1 bristle nose pleco, and 1 baby synodontis petricola. The only other fish I plan to get is some female guppies and 7 more neon tetras ( and shrimp) I was wanting a female shortfinned Betta but I don’t think it would do too well with the zebra danios, let me know if a female beta would work. But if that doesn’t work what are some other great center piece fish that I could find at my local fish stores? I’m not gonna order online. Also I do not have a backup tank incase a fish doesn’t work.

I love the fish in my tank but I feel like they all sorta just blend together. I want a colourful centerpiece fish for it. The fish in the tank right now are 5 zebra danios, 7 neon tetras, 5 male guppies, 5 pepper Cory catfish, 1 bristle nose pleco, and 1 baby synodontis petricola. The only other fish I plan to get is some female guppies and 7 more neon tetras ( and shrimp) I was wanting a female shortfinned Betta but I don’t think it would do too well with the zebra danios, let me know if a female beta would work. But if that doesn’t work what are some other great center piece fish that I could find at my local fish stores? I’m not gonna order online. Also I do not have a backup tank incase a fish doesn’t work.