How the hell should I save around +10 000 euros for block account to study for Master's?

Hello, guys! I guess it is a question for non-Germans or actually for people who are in economically poor countries. I am from the East part of Russia living in Kazakhstan right now. What advice can u give me for saving 10k euros? That kind of money is so insane to me. I really want to study in Germany. Salaries here are so low compare to Germany, u know. Should I get an IT job maybe? How long it would take to save that amount of money? like +5 years or more? Feeling kinda despared honestly and insecure about finances. Btw I am 24. Actually I saved +2000 euros for 1 year at teaching job but it was stressful af and I spent it for moving abroad to Kazakhstan. So, any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advanced!