2004 jeep liberty fuel pump feed line failed what parts Do I need

OK so to start off with HOLY FRICK why is such a simple problem not possible to fix.

I posted this in another reddit but never got a reply other than to post here. So here is the same post but with an update at the bottom.

So 2 years ago I had my fuel line explode on my way to work I had towed to a mechanic who apparently redneck patched it. Well the patch he did failed after the hose rotted and when I went to replicate it I realized he kind of just Jerry rigged it. I can not get the hose on the pump and I am afraid I am going to break it. 5/16ths is too small and 3/8ths is too big.
So my question is where do I get the proper line with the quick connects without buying an Entire new pump.

Part I think needed

Original failed part

Hose is only 2 years old.

Won't fit

Update; So after finding this diagram It looks like I am missing the fuel filter too


If I am correct does that mean this is the part I am missing?
