Young Aussies, do you feel lonely?

So I was at a grand final gathering over the weekend. Was speaking to some other relatives about socializing in today's day and age, etc. I basically expressed that I felt somewhat lonely and disconnected and that people my age don't really go out much.

A boomer relative basically told me that as a young guy I should be going out every night possible, even if I can't get friends to come round, just go out on my own even. I basically told aforementioned boomer relative between paying 650/pwk in rent, bills, groceries, I don't have the money nor time to be going out every night to the bar or pub and paying $14 a pint. Not even count the negative health effects. Personally, I feel like I'm in a good financial position for someone my age, I can afford my rent/bills/etc without going hungry, have enough to put away for savings, etc. However, without receiving some external support I don't know how some people could afford to go out more than once a month.

It sounds kind of crazy but more recently with summer and better weather coming up, I've been taking my soccer ball to the local park and have tried setting up just impromptu soccer games just with randoms and has actually had really positive feedback.

Just wondering if any younger Aussies are feeling the same and what have you tried to combat being lonely?