Extremely painful bowel movements
Hello everyone! I'm 31F, I feel lost and need someone to point me in the right direction as to what to advocate for, I have done some efforts to get answers but I need to push more as nothing has come up yet. It's been months since it began, basically I get these horrible cramps that make me want to fold in half and moan (similar to labor I might add) where the pain consumes me, my hands become cold and I need to go to the toilet 5-6 times in a row, never diarrhea though or anything suspicious. This goes on for 1-3 hours and then I am OK until the next episode. I haven't tracked the frequency but if a week goes by without it happening I notice it, so it's quite often. I have tried to change my diet multiple times, some days I ate next to nothing out of fear and it would still occur. I don't know if it could be related but a year ago I had this constant pain in my left chest and back that would travel all up and down, I had abdominal ultrasound and a chest ct scan that came back clear except for a slightly enlarged thymus gland. I also had a miscarriage on October, I'm just adding everything that could somehow be related. The only condition I know of is hypothyroidism for which I take medication and I have had one c-section in 2019. I just would like to know what doctor to push for, I talked to my gynecologist because I feel it's actually something related to my reproductive system that irritates my bowels, if that makes sense, but he just told me to go to a gp and get tests done,which seems very dismissive.