26 Female - Should I be concerned?
UPDATE: It ended up being cellulitis 🥲
26 F - So a few days ago I felt an overwhelming pain in my leg when I woke up, looked and saw the first picture (in comments) chalked it up to being a bug bite or ingrown hair and went on with my day. I don't see any piece of hair or any "head/bubble" on top. The pain was/is excruciating. Even without touching it, standing hurts on the bottom of my leg. This happened a day or two after shaving so I'm wondering if maybe it's some kind of bacterial infection? I don't know. It doesn't really itch, just the pain.
Second picture is from this morning and I'm still in a lot of pain. It's firm to the touch and very sensitive. I've been using Neosporin but it hasn't helped. I've since circled it with a pen as I've seen people suggesting that.
I plan on going to the doctor if it doesn't get better but I thought I'd see if anyone had any advice or any guesses as to what this could be?