Blood in stool for a month
Hi everyone, 33-year-old male, smoker, occasional drinker, currently on SSRI and been diagnosed with IBS-d 10 years ago
I started experiencing back pain nearly a year ago, mainly on the right side—hip, groin, lower back, and sometimes the abdomen. Been thrice to doctor and they told me it’s bone and muscle issues. I am suffering from anxiety, depression and health anxiety too and they believe it’s playing a part The pain is still ongoing. About a month ago, I started noticing blood in my stool, but since I have IBS, I’m not sure what’s causing it. I’ve seen blood in mucus, and once or twice, it was maroon-colored. Most of the time, it’s red and been going on for a month atleast. I was checked by a practitioner and was told it’s due to internal haemorrhoids and she doesn’t think anything serious however I’m just sick worried and can’t see anything in the future to be honest.
My fecal calprotectin was 17, but my FOBT result was 76. My doctor wants me to do a FIT test and hopes the bleeding will stop. She examined me and found internal hemorrhoids. She also ran several tests, including FBC, liver, thyroid, kidney, iron, ferritin, Tissue Transglutaminase IgA, Immunoglobulin A, and Dehydrogenase, about a week ago, and all came back normal.
However, I have lost weight, and get night sweat on and off which the doctor think might be anxiety likely because I’ve only been eating once a day. I keep thinking I have cancer, especially since I still have back, groin, abdomen, and glute pain that comes and goes. I feel extremely depressed and in the darkest place as I lost my job due to back pain issue.
I’m also attaching the picture of my stool and any help would be appreciated.