I just can’t have a conversation with my mother about anything
There was a time she would rant about poor people and I would argue with her. Then I stopped arguing and started nodding along to keep the peace.
She'd rant about Muslims and I would argue with her. Then I stopped arguing and started nodding along to keep the peace.
She'd rant about Democrats (she lives in India but because I live in the US, she follows US politics and likes to discuss it with me). I nodded along to keep the peace.
She'd rant about how women should stay home, fully covered, to avoid rape. While the country united about Nirbhaya, she blamed her for wandering around with a boy at night. I nodded along to keep the peace.
She talks no end about astrology though she knows I find it stupid. She calls it a science though I'm a scientist. She can talk for an hour about her astrology theories, and I nod along to keep the peace.
Now like many Indian boomers, she's in the thrall of Atul Subbhash and has decided that modern women are evil. Every time I talk to her, she's berating career women, women who don't give dowry, women who are modern. I'm all of the above, but she forgets that. She says men suffer more in India than women, and that women's right were won by men. If I quietly dispute those facts, she gets agitated and there's no peace.
What's left to talk about?