should i directly confront/ignore this guy from gym

so, i have noticed this guy at the gym for a while now. it could totally be a coincidence (though i highly doubt it) but every day, he watches my routine, takes note of the exercises im doing, and then starts doing the same ones around me, eventually even using similar machines.

but okay, let's assume for a second that our workouts just happen to be identical. but then, this week, i randomly switched up my routine and guess what? he did the exact same thing again. at this point, it's a little creepy 😭 he seems like a decent guy from a distance, but this behavior is lowkey weird-

that said, i feel like ignoring him is the better option here because he could easily brush it off as a coincidence or even make it seem like im overthinking. and oh worst case, he throws the “attention seeker” label at me.

so… should i confront him or just let it go?

side note, im seriously considering doing the most random exercises one day just to confuse him lol