Does your wife/gf control you?

I have a friend that ever since he's got with his missus - has been full on controlled by her. He can rarely do anything. Goes out with the lads maybe once every couple of months but she goes out with her friends all the time (even some days abroad). They have a child and when it was born, instead of taking turns and even with him still working, he always had to wake up with her when the child was up.

If they are at home, he can't go on xbox or watch football in another room. He has to sit with her and watch what she wants to watch together. Every thing is "I have to ask xxx" or "I'll have to check with the boss" and he laughs it off like it's normal. There's been many times that she's done what she wants and he has said "If I did that I'd be shot".

Even my gf (who I have been with longer) is really weirded out by it and has said that I would laugh if she tried to control me in the way that he is being. I feel like this is kinda normalised and joked about but is actually really unfair and toxic.