What age did you lose your childlike sense of excitement as an adult? If you never did, how did you keep it alive?
As I get deeper into my 30s, I really miss the thrill that I got out of life in my teens and 20s. I think some people describe it as a childlike sense of wonder or excitement. That "anything can happen tonight" feeling while getting ready to go out with friends. That "oh my god, I've never seen/done anything like this before" feeling while taking in a new country or landscape. That "this is the best music/book/TV show I've ever known and I'll consume it ravenously and wait eagerly for the next installment" feeling.
Sometimes I wonder if I burned out on life too early by constantly chasing this feeling. Everywhere and everything seems blah now, because I've already consumed a lot of the best/most unique things for the first time (that are financially within reach).
I'm curious to hear from older people - at what age, and why, did this feeling fade away for you? Did you "burn out" early, like I did, or did you pace yourself? Are you able to find it in anything these days, and if so, what?