Is This A Reasonable Office Portrait Fee?


I recently shot 40 heads over two fairly intense days.. I charged 800 a day for the shoot and 400 a day for the edit (totalling £2.4K) Very happy bunny at the end of it! Just the kind of job I like.

I’ve been asked to go back to shoot the remaining 28 heads .. and was then asked “do you think you can get this done in one day..?”

My question to you lovely people is.. while that’s technically doable in one day .. I’d have to set up and break down, while doing 50% more heads making it a little stressful. I’d sooner do it over 1.5 days - as I can charge 1.5x more .. and I won’t be rushed.

What’s the consensus? Is this a tall ask from the client? Or is that number of heads for one day reasonable? .. and should I acquiesce and cheat myself out of £600 to work a harder longer day??

(I generally take 10/15 minutes per head with a small break in between)

Thank you for your time opinions in advance! Much appreciated 🙃