What do you look for in host family?

I have read a lot on this sub about host families that have studio or private apartments for their au pairs. Is this common or the expectation?

My husband and I are looking to hire an au pair next October. Our child will be 4 months old at that point and I will be returning to work. We live in a 2000 SQ/ft house, nothing fancy. The au pair would have a large bedroom that has a small "living area" with a TV/couch but they would share our kitchen and the rest of the living space. I'm wondering if au pairs would even be interested in that set up or are they looking for much better accommodations?

There is a small university just 5 minutes from us and 2 large cities 1 hour away but otherwise we living in a somewhat rural area. Are au pairs looking for this kind of situation or are most looking for more of a city setting with more social opportunities.

I understand each au pair is different and will prioritize different things. I'm just wondering if the baseline expectation is to have their own or separate apartment and lots of social opportunities that are more common in cities.