Help laying floorboards on this annoying layout for a beginner?
I’d like to lay down floorboards on these two bedrooms. As you can see the architect or developer for this building made some bad decisions regarding the interior walls. These rooms have been the bane of my existence with fitting furniture, as you can’t put things against the walls in straight lines and it’s so frustrating and super in efficient for space saving. ANYWAY, I would like to install wood flooring but I have never done it before. I think I could do it fairly easily with those click-in ones? The floor is currently carpet with a concrete slab underneath. Can someone please explain to me like I’m a child …
- What (all) materials and tools I need?
- How to lay these down with freaking rounded and slanting walls? Assuming I would need to cut the planks?
- Would it just be better to get a professional to do this and how much should someone expect to pay for x2 rooms of this size for labour?
Anything else I need to know or consider? Thanks so much!
I’d like to lay down floorboards on these two bedrooms. As you can see the architect or developer for this building made some bad decisions regarding the interior walls. These rooms have been the bane of my existence with fitting furniture, as you can’t put things against the walls in straight lines and it’s so frustrating and super in efficient for space saving. ANYWAY, I would like to install wood flooring but I have never done it before. I think I could do it fairly easily with those click-in ones? The floor is currently carpet with a concrete slab underneath. Can someone please explain to me like I’m a child …
- What (all) materials and tools I need?
- How to lay these down with freaking rounded and slanting walls? Assuming I would need to cut the planks?
- Would it just be better to get a professional to do this and how much should someone expect to pay for x2 rooms of this size for labour?
Anything else I need to know or consider? Thanks so much!