Advice on choice of shrub/small tree

Hi everyone,

My wife and I would like to put two or three shrubs/small trees in our back yard (the back yard is small, hence the trees being shrub-sized. No room for towering elms or cedars). We'd like them to be Texas natives, or at least drought resistant, and she likes pretty flowers. I've been looking through the broad list of common Zone 9 trees that meet those criteria, and it looks as if Texas Mountain Laurels and Chaste Vitex trees are good overall matches.

Are there other trees or shrubs that you all would also recommend, and should I think twice about the Mountain Laurels or Vitex? And what's the best place to find reasonably priced Texas Mountain Laurels? Home Depot seems to have the Chaste Vitex, but I haven't been able to find local nurseries that have Texas Mountain Laurels for less than several hundred dollars. What are the best places to buy trees around South Austin?
