A response to how we can prepare (wouldn’t let me post comment)

Thank god someone said it. No one I know will talk about it. In 2016 I sobbed and knew because of historical patterns things were going to get worse. People would blow me off when I tried to explain that I felt like we needed to prepare. That a revolution would need to happen. How we going to help? How could we prepare ourselves? Do my kids know how to garden well enough to grow their own food if it comes to that? I am not at all religious and follow no god, but I pray. I pray a lot. Now the power of prayer can be a personal miracle to keep calm and reflect and to try and have hope because WE NEED HOPE. Prayer isn’t going to fix the problem but it helps me think about it without panic because control is an illusion and while we can prepare, we cannot control. In terms of fighting back, well what does that look like for you? Fighting against oppression doesn’t all look violent. What I do is bring a little light to those I can. Normally I don’t talk about my good deeds as that isn’t the point of doing them but I think it could help to show examples. So some examples: 1. I called the pharmacy to ask a question. I got snapped at. She was rude but what I paid attention to was her saying there are five lines (phone) and one person- her. I never thought to thank my pharmacist or techs before but they are understaffed and overworked, so I bought a silly thank you card and wrote sincerely and left a gift card. When I asked to talk to her she was in the defense and I just said is positive and walked away. 2. Made homemade gift bags (not expensive or difficult, but thoughtful) and brought them to all the staff at the gay bar closest to my house. I thanked them for making a safe place and that things like karaoke matter more than they realize because it brings moments of light to people’s lives. Hope matters. 3. A woman pulled into a parking lot and I was walking across and whoooooo she was driving a little reckless. I asked if she was a retired race car driver and laughed with her. This was just me not getting grumpy about her bad driving. In the scheme of things seemed more important to bring to her attention with a laugh. Here I am only not adding to anger. Kinda like playful parenting technique. lol

I’m not a social person but no small talk needed. In these situations people need the depth we can provide quickly and without reservation because it is in our nature to be genuine and straight to the point. THIS IS HOW WE CAN HELP. Listen, we know we can be seen as odd sucks but I know through experience that other people, yes neurotypicals, crave deeper interactions with others but don’t know how or don’t recognize it as a need. My little super power is that people will share with me big life things and secrets if I create a little space for them. And I create the space by empathically unmasking. I think that so much emphasis is put into long term relationships or lasting meaningful connections but it doesn’t have to last to be meaningful. I feel connected to people in those moments. People feel connected to me. I am not good at maintaining because long lasting is hard and I don’t know how to do long lasting never masking. But this short term, one genuine moment or conversation, this way is my way of being connected and connecting. We can see someone struggling and be real with them and see them without judgement because are neurospicy. It feels odd to them because they are stuck in the “how are you I am good” troupe of human interaction. But we hate that nonsense. We can get so real so quick and I have had literally hundreds of these interactions (I did do crisis work so numbers higher than norm probably) they are so rewarding for both parties. One good moment can bring a days worth of peace or more to someone.

So how can we prepare? By being us. Research how to grow food, how to preserve food, how to build things, and think outside of the box of while you are going it. Research my loves and then try at least some practical application so you have a footing in it. Organize and sort your life with new ideas and boundaries. Learn learn learn. Nothing wrong with some prepper mentality as well. Beside food, what would you do for fuel? For generators or maybe slowly make off grid power sources within whatever budget you have if you can. IF YOU THINK PROTECTION OR HUNTING and want a weapon that projects super fast metal- take classes and educate yourself and your loved ones in the house with you. Don’t go this route without safety precautions and a lot of knowledge. Finally what we can do for others, we can bring little lights of hope and authentic human connection if even only one moment with them. In dark times, we might be the light. We can least contribute to the light. Making a difference on a small scale is all really most of us can do. But if most of us are doing it, that is a lot of small scale and it is my belief it trickles up.

So my advice how to prepare might not sit with you. That’s okay. But I ask that you sit with yourself and ask what small things could you do? This is what I mean by the power of prayer. Prayer is for you. It’s not to anyone else. It is you listening to yourself in a different perspective and finding the peace in yourself. Because we don’t have control and that is scary. It’s okay to be scared. Discomfort is natural. Being brave looks different to people so just do what you can. That is enough. Whatever you do is enough.

I am posting without editing. Sorry. I got passionate but have to go back to choring now. More like 5 minutes ago. lol Be the gift I know you are. Love to you all.