What would you do?

So my son is in half day kindergarten and has an IEP already. He was placed into an after school program because he wasnt doing well with learning his sounds and letters. They have now removed him from said program because he wasn't meeting expectations. They moved him to a different program that takes him out of class for half an hour everyday for more help. But he doesn't work well in groups and he won't participate in class because he doesn't understand it but I was told he just needs more time to work on things. He also gets taken out for OT and Speech for half an hour once a week. My concern is that he only goes to school for 2 hours a day and he's taken out of the classroom for 3 and a half hours a week. If I was to have him moved to a special education classroom he would be full time. Would it make sense to have him moved so he has more time and he also won't miss as much? Or should I keep him where he is and ask for a Para so he has one on one help where he is now? I have a meeting Monday to go over my concerns but I honestly don't know which way to go.