Unpopular opinion about the Emperor.
If you think that the emperor is a “good guy” who is just misunderstood, you have no idea what real “Gaslighting” looks like.
From the first time that he speaks to you, he is manipulating you all the way through until he finally turns on you and joins the other side.
I was having a talk with a friend of mine who thinks that he’s just misunderstood. When I said that “No, he’s gaslighting you from day one.” They couldn’t see the point I was trying to make.
He has abused every friend he’s ever had. He’s abused everyone that has tried to help him. He consistently lies about the situations that he was put in. He constantly tells you how he’s trying to break free of the mind-flayer mentality, and then turns around and says that he would never want to go back to being human and tries to get you to be more like him. That you were limited by your ability to understand and comprehend his position.
He is literally saying the light is off, when you can clearly see that the light is on.