AITA: Hospital Visitors

Okay, so my husband (34M) and I (30F) were just talking and it turned into a heated discussion. So I'm currently 13 weeks with baby #2 and with my first, we told everyone when started pushing and they all rushed over and all piled in my room about 20 minutes after I gave birth. My dad, stepmom, my MIL and step FIL and then my FIL and step MIL, 6 of them all literally stampeding into the room after I gave birth. MIL had told me to cover up because my side boob was out and I was just so overwhelmed and in shock, that I was frozen. Constant flow of people then and I just didn't like it whatsoever.

So we're talking about our the upcoming hospital stay and I stated "I don't know if I want anyone there at all, might wait until we come home to have visitors so I have time to "relax".. I mean is the hospital stays after birth ever relaxing? No but better if no one is constantly coming in and I'm not constantly having to put myself semi-together, that seems better.

So anyway, he looks at me with an eyebrow up and said something like "woah, I don't think that's totally your call"... I immediately got triggered and maybe wasn't the best way to respond but nonetheless I responsed "it's actually 100% my call" in a very stern and serious tone. He gets offended by my tone but also how point blank period it was, and he follows that with "the fact that you think it's totally your call..." I cut him off, I say "I KNOW it's 100% my call, it's not a "I think" it's an "I know"." And I don't really let him say much else because I am not arguing this. If I don't want people there, I'm not having people there.

I followed that up, just because I'm hormonal, mad that he's questioning my authority on this, and want to make sure I and firmly heard by stating "in fact, if I didn't want YOU there, they'd not allow it, that's how much this decision is mine". He knows I would never do this but just needed to make sure he understood that it's my call so I don't have to argue any of this again.

So anyway, maybe the way I tried to get my point across was a**hole-ish but AITA for not wanting anyone coming to th hospital?? Like, this is my call, right? I just feel like if I'm the one birthing what is probably going to be another 9.5lb baby, if I'm the one bleeding and pooping on doctors, like, it should be solely my decision.

He's not a huge family guy, he loves his family but it's not in any kind of toxic, pick them over me kind of way, so his defensiveness actually caught me off guard and probably why I got so triggered.

Maybe I am the a*hole though and I'm not understanding this side of things. I was just always under the impression it was my call.

Someone let me know!