My mom asked me if I could eat bacon.
I recently had breakfast with my parents, who, I can happily say, I only see once to twice a year anymore.
I am pregnant with my 3rd baby and when looking at our menus at your standard greasy spoon family diner like place, my mom looked up at me and asked if I am allowed to eat bacon while pregnant.
Unsurprisingly, this question caught me off guard.
I told her that yes, indeed, I am allowed to eat bacon. I reminded her it's only raw fish, raw meat, deli meats, feta cheese and other unpasteurized dairy, certain herbs, alcohol, and an excessive amount of caffeine that I am not allowed to eat or drink.
It reminded me of a couple of years ago that my brother asked me if I was allowed to drink soda.
Anyone else have people ask you if you were allowed to eat something that wasn't on the "no" list that caught you off guard?