Projectile Vomiting?

Hoping someone here can help, I have a 6 week old who is fed breast + formula as a suppliment.

My baby is always starving, she will wake up, and just start screaming for food, no inbetween signs of hunger just immedate frantic searching for food. Due to this, we had to add formula as a suppliment to breast as I was unable to satisfy her / she gets too frantic to latch.

Anyway, long story short, the feeding pattern is:

During the night: breast, change diaper, breast, burp, bottle (60ml) burp - every 3hrs

During the day: Breast (90% of the time she wont take it) 120ml bottles until she stops crying, some days every hour.

Most days she averages around 4 or 5 breast feeding sessions, and around 800/900ml of bottles (80% formula / 20% pumped breast) (we track her bottles and feeds)

We use Dr Browns bottles, Kirkland formula and size 1 nipples.

Anyway long story short, on her "hungry days" I've noticed she will eat until she projectile vomits. It's not on every feed, and it's not every day, but when she does it she usually vomits two times, then goes back to normal. Today it has happened 3 times, the last time it happened was about 2-3 days ago.

Other than that she seems fine, she goes through about 5 pee diapers a day, and 1 poo diapers a day.

Is this something to worry about? What should we do to prevent this? I've had to shampoo my couch 4 times this week alone. Thanks in advance for any assistance!