30 day pay or quit

My landlord gave me a 30 day notice for $1000 dollars so I paid my landlord $700 dollars and I took a picture of me dropping it in the drop box on a November 29th Tuesday the 3rd i went to go see my landlord and I told him why I fell behind on my rent and so he told me someone was going to call me later on that day so the lady called me and she saying I owe $3000 dollars or I'm getting evicted I texted my landlord Wednesday 4th and asked him,you guys told me to pay $1000 I paid you guys $700 now you guys are saying I owe $3000 dollars I don't understand that,he texts me back telling to call him in an hour I called him and it went straight to voicemail and I have not gotten a phone call from him at all,I dont know what to do