Why do citizens of Baltic States have such a negative attitude towards Belarusians?
As a holder of the unfortunate Belarusian passport, I would like to know why there is such a negative sentiment toward normal Belarusian people in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
For the past year, the governments of those three countries have been introducing various laws targeting their Belarusian minorities. While I do understand certain measures that have been taken, I do not comprehend others as well as the attitude, which some citizens of the Baltic states hold.
The most recent law, which forbids Belarusians from entering Lithuania using their personal vehicles has surprised me the most because I can't see how it targets Lukashenko's regime.
And reading the comments in r/lithuania r/latvia r/BalticStates is scary, to say the least, when the topic touches upon Belarusians or Russians.
I will be extremely grateful to anyone and everyone who will take the time to answer and tell their side of the story because I feel like I do not see the full picture.