I finally understand the frustration

PM seller for 3+ years, Mercari and EBay 2+ years. Buyer since… FOREVER!!! Which in turn, is why I’m a seller. (Oops?) Regardless, I finally understand all of the posts I’ve been reading about ridiculous pricing. You guys are SOOOOO right!!!! I price my items to move them along. I’m done with them, let someone else have fun! Right? I usually accept 90% of offers because, hey it’s making 0 profit in a tote in my spare bedroom. My selling funds my shopping (mostly). I have no qualms with full time sellers because I DO understand the amount of work and time and frustration involved. Here’s the scenario… my daughter is pregnant. She wants an FP movement onesie to wear mostly for comfort because, let’s be honest after the 2nd trimester anything that restricts ability to urinate quickly is GONE! This item is $70 brand new at Dicks sporting goods. I can choose the color and have it in my hand in 2 minutes (10 w the drive) for $75 total AND… if she HATES it, I can return it for an immediate NO HAGGLE refund. That’s a little pricey for me so, I turned to PM. Are you F*CKING kidding me? I sorted from low to high… the CHEAPEST one was $60. USED!!! So, add tax and shipping fees I’m over $70 and waiting at least 5 days (usually) and I wouldn’t dare try to return to a seller saying, sorry my daughter doesn’t like it after all. I just done get it. Makes me sad, and frustrated. Mostly frustrated. So, rant over. I just came to say, I get it. I also want to say, I’m NOT that seller. 🥴